Theory of Everything
prime questions are how the universe was created and who took the enormous task
of creating it. Then arise the questions of whether the universe had a
beginning in time and whether it is limited in space. There after a series of
questions bombard the human brain which include what was the intial state of
the universe, what is the present structure of universe, how the universe
changes with time, what are the laws that govern the universe, what is the
basic purpose behind its creation and finally why we are here and where we come
from. Thereafter we come to the mystries that surround our live and death and
then the string of questions extend to infinity. The answer to all such
maddening questions led the Indian saints to find out what infinity is and if
there is infinity there has to be zero. Their quest for infinity and zero got
almost satisfied when they postulated the theory of God.
The enormous universe that we call the
workshop of God, is in fact a stage where waves of all energies have been
performing ‘Tandavya Nrutya’ from time immemorable. Since these energies
can not be created or destroyed (though they can be converted from one kind to
the other) they will continue to perform their dance exhibiting their wonderous effects. These
energies exist everywhere __ even in matter where atomic energy is fuctioning.
There is also living matter in universe where existance of micro-universe can
be visualised. From time immemorable. these living beings are performing their
local dance depending on their capability, which their spritual energy has
In the universe innumerable stars
because of their inherent energy are being created and getting destroyed almost
as the living being are getting entangled in the cobwab of life and death which
is the result of their inner power. Since
energies can not be destroyed - this power cannot die down. The Indian
philosophers visualised its merging with the superpower – the superpower that
originated and directed the energy dance in the universe. It is called ‘God’.
Hence the gist of all questions is to understand what is God.
Theory of unification of
zero and infinity
The thinking mind therefore thinks of
finding ‘God’ – God who has the infinite power and as an observer at a point x
as in figure 1 he chooses to go to his right in search of infinity. He thought
he can reach infinity if energy and system remain in tact. He could have even
chosen to go to his left and reach infinity. Since infinity has to be one point
somewhere far off, the thinking mind is not actually walking on a straight line
but is following a cyclic path. The point of infinity lies diagonally opposite
to him on the peripheri of the circle as shown in figure 2. The circle
obviously has infinite diameter.
figure 1
infinity infinity
point x
figure 2
point x
thinking observer may say that if on his right is infinity then going to his
left (i.e. on negative direction) will lead him towards absolute zero which
obviously at infinite distance. Now imagine another observer who is also at
point x but is facing the first observer. On his right he will find infinity
i.e. the direction where the first one found zero and on his left he will find
zero i.e. the direction where the first one found infinity. Thus we notice that
the points of zero and infinity are adjasent to each other as shown in figure 3
for both the observers. The gap between them is just enough to define ‘a
quanta’ – a point of ‘nothingness’ – where zero becomes infinity and infinity
becomes zero when viewed from two opposite directions, because being very close
to exactly the opposote is like
unification of these two opposites. This therefore is a point of consciousness
on either side of which is zero and infinity. At this point of consciousness a
slight shift to right or left can make the consciouness zero or infinite. This
point of consciousness (chetna) is called Brahman,
Ishwar, Allah or God as mentioned in different religious exts.
This point always remains at diametrically
opposite to the observer at x and x’ at an infinite distance as shown in figure
4. Thus we find that the point of consciousness exists at each and every point
of the periphery of the universe because the point of commencement of motion of
the observer can be anywhere on the periphery.
figure 3
zero infinity
point x
figure 4
zero infinity
of consciousness
point x’
observers point x
point where zero and infinity merge is the point of universal unity. It is the
point of highest truth as it is a non-dual truth for there is nothing but
truth. Yet truth is about one behind the many, one in many. This is not the
result of speculation and intellect but of realisation (Upanishada). Nothing
higher than this can be, when we come to this unification of zero and infinity.
Viewed by the senses, it is infinite but on penetrating deeper, it reveals
infinite. This point of consciouness is Anand – bliss – the infinite bliss of
Brahman. On the particle of this supreme bliss alone all other beings live. The
state of consciouness cannot be divided – it is Akand. Like space it is an
indivisible whole, yet it can divide all other things and remain undivided as a
constant that is not variable. Science also says that consciouness is a
singular of which the pural is unknown. That there is only one thing and what
seems to be plurality is merely a series of different aspects of this one thing
which is produced by deception called Maya. (Erwin Schealiger nuclear
have so far observed the two dimensional aspect where the point of
consciousness appears all along the paripheri of the circle. In three
dimensional aspect universe is like a sphere and point of consciousness will then
be all over the surface of the sphere.
In the
universe the stars are constantly facing death and birth. When the stars die,
its fragments fly in all directions as shown in figure 5.
figure 5
zero infinity
points of consciousness
In this
phenomenon of expansion of the universe, we notice that some fragments move
away from the center of the universe. To understand this we have to consider
the sphere as consisting of numerous spheres of lesser deimesions as shown in
figure 6 below :-
figure 6
zero infinity
Futher on every
point on the surface of the main sphere we can imagine spheres of lesser
diemensions as in figure 7. This figure
not only shows that universe is expanding, so also the field of consciousness.
figure 7
zero infinity
Now each sphere too has the
points of consciousness all over its surface and the entire universe appears as
full of consciousness indicating that God is everywhere inside the universe.
Origin of
universe. Theory of unification of
consciousness, time and energy.
most phenomenon occuring in nature favour a cyclic path particularly if they
have to be everlasting. In general theory of relativity though the bodied
always follow straight lines in four dimensionsl space-time, but they appear to
us to move along a curved paths. In universe the planets circle around
the stars and stars moving centering around galaxies. The process has been
going on in billion of galaxies. Such movement is not without purpose. All that
has infinite limit, forward or backward, has to come back to a point from where
it had started as we have seen that the path of zero comes on the path of
infinity so as to maintain its infinite structure thoughout its negative value.
to know the orgin of universe, we have to go back to the time zero, which again
is at infinity in the negative coordinate. Since time has to be everlasting, it
is on the path of infinity in the positive coordinate. Therefore, the time is
also following the cyclic path where zero and infinity merge into one another
at a point which appears as superimposed on the point of consciousness. This
point of time is refered to as ‘Kala’ by
the indian seers and the unity of time with consciouness has been the factor
responsible for creation of universe.
for creation of universe some matter was essentially required. Scientists have
found out that microscopic subatomic particles inside matter have electrons
that are moving in orbits around the nucleus of the atom which is almost the
same as exihibited at fiure 3 above. These are energy particles and play a
unique role at time of formation as well destruction of the matter, Since it is
known that erergy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from form
to another, it appears possible to convert all forms of energy into one and
thereby have a model of superenergy (mahashakti). The major four forces of
nature that the scientists have considered for Grand unification theory are
*Gavity, which dominates the
universe on the large scale.
*Electromagnetism, which
dominates in the properties of ordinary matter.
*The so called ‘strong’ force
which bind the atomic mucleus.
*The ‘week’ force that is
involved in some kinds of radioactivity.
the strong force is billions of times more powerful than gravity. Grand unification
theory attempts to explain the non-gravitational forces as a single theory. The
week force and electromagnetism have been successfully unified. There has been
some attempt to include strong force. Gravity of course is still too difficult.
In Grand unification theory the three non-gravitational forces are assumed to
have been one in the conditions that prevailed immediately after the Big Bang.
on this Grand unification theory superenergy (mahashakti) can be visulised as
getting formed and indicating that the universe was formed with the unification
of consciousness, time and superenergy (mahashakti). Indian seers postulated
the Grand unification theory that is unification of Shiva (consciousness),
Parvati (superenergy) and kala (time) that created the universe. It was a mahakala (time of Pralaya) i.e. the period of
scientists believe that the universe was born with a “big Bang’ fifteen
thousand million years ago, but key to the way it lies in events that occurred
in a minute fraction of that time – less han a trillionth of a second and they
came at a moment when universe was only a trillionth of a trillionth of a
second old and was filled with energy particles. The whole thing became a
spectacular paricle accelerator which was infintely powerful.
Unification of cause, effect and causation.
is happening in universe and whatever we call as our performance is the result
of cause, effect and causation. To understand the concept of cause, effect and
causation let us take the simple process of switching on the light in a dark room.
The starter of the whole process is our mind which first thinks of lighting the
dark room. The thought prompts us to walk upto the switch and put it ‘on’. The
electrical energy performs the rest. Our thought, our action and the energy
producing light are the cause, effect and causation in making room free of
darkness. The scientists with the invent of remote and senser have tried to
reduce time taken for the whole process. The remote removes the time taken to
walk but the time taken to press the remote is still there. But in the process
of creation of universe the components i.e. cause, effect and causation unite
and the unification occurs in the consciousness itself. The holy Bible
therefore says ‘And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.’ The
Holy book also says, ‘in the beginning God created the heaven and earth’.
here at the level of consciouness all dualities vanish – zero and infinity of
time, real and unreal forms, visible and invisible aspects, feelings of sorrow
and happiness, effect of darkness and light, extremities of heat and the cold
creation and destruction of matter and life, peace and turmoil of nature and so
on. Indian seers even included Sagun and nirgun at the point of
consciousness.i.e. the action and inaction of matter and anti-matter in the
field of superenergy. Thus explaining the God’s
manifold splendour as the creator, protector and the sustainer
of the entire universe including the jiva.
is therefore clear that for creation as well as for destruction of the universe
the cause, effect and causation have to function in unision sponteneously or in
cascading stages. Then there is basic oneness of the universe as revealed by
quantum theory. The world can not be decomposed into independently existing
smallest unit, As we penerate into matter, nature does not show any isolated
‘basic building blocks’ but rather appears as a complicated web of relations
between the various parts of the whole. Even Gita says that there is nothing
besides me. Like cluster of yarn-beads formed by the knots on a thread, all
will be treaded on me (Gita VII-7).
We have taken the particle aspect
of energy while discussing the figure 3. In quantum theory, we say that the
particles behave like wave. But when we talk of
particle behaving like wave, we must remember that particle moving in wave
pattern do not exist in nature. Let us take the example of water wave. The
water particles do not move along with the wave, but move in circle and the
disturbance causing the wave phenomenon only as is shown in the diagram below: -
wave direction
In quantum
theory, when we say that the particles behave like wave, we say that the wave
pattern as a whole is manifestation of the particle. The wave connected with
particles however are not real three-dimensional waves like water waves
described above. These are probability waves because we cannot say that an
atomic particle exists a certain place or not. In terms of probability,
particle has only tendency to exist in various places and thus manifests a
strange kind of physical reality between existence and non-existence. The
particle is not present at a definite place nor is it absent. It does not
change its position nor does it remains at rest.
Light rays as
per the general relativity must follow geodesic in space-time and since space
is curved, light does not appear to travel in straight line. It gets bent by
gravitational fields. This is what we have seen in figure 3 where all energies inspite of their magnitude
come to the point of their source. Energies because of their curved path lose
energy and they tend to become zero at the point of consciousness. Thus all the
energies appear to become matter at this point. So we find that at this point of
consciousness matter is on one side and
energy on the other side and it is consciousness that makes possible the
conversion of mass into energy. This also proves why the light becomes darkness
on reaching the point of consciousness. So we find that at this point light is
on one side and darknesson the other side and it is consciousness that made
possible the conversion of darkness into light.
But the question
is that can there be an absolute time when all energies get converted into mass
causing the complete collapse of universe?
True, if time
remains absolute as we have considered the particle of time (kala) as
superimposed on the point of consciousness in figure 3. But the kala chakra is
not always reaching this state because its cyclic order is under the continuous
effect of cause and causation and the
events do not always occur identically and do not necessarily repeat
themselves. The time cycle never gets completed. It becomes unreal and
distorted so as to form a coil as shown below. Time ceases to be absolute and
appears to have a waveform.
Real cycle Unreal cycle
(absolute time) (actual time)
In the figure shown above to an observer at A the
time taken for completing a cycle
appears more due to added distance ‘x’ as compared to the observer at B
since time is the only thing that moves at canstant speed. Due to the enormous
structure of universe the value of ‘x’ assumes high magnitude and results in
our viewing the stars as they were thousands of light-year back and that
becomes the ‘actual time’ for us.
Thus under this effect we see only the unreal (non-relative
position) of all the things, all the time. The Indian seers called it Maya
(illusion). The things that appear to be returning to the point of start do not
reach it. They escape this point and the whole process of cyclic order starts
again causing distortion, which is ‘x’
in the diagram of unreal cycle. Therefore in order to have real concept, time
is taken as the fourth dimension.
if it assumed that time never becomes absolute than nothing should perish in
universe. To analyse this let us see the shift ‘x’ which makes time to look
like a wave as its ‘absolute quanta’ the particle appears to behave like a wave',
explaining its effect of creation and death of stellar objects as well as that
of human beings. The wave like behaviour of time makes us to think if time is
only an energy definer, magnifier and accelrator or is an energy itself?
Time like any other energy cannot be created or
destroyed, nor saved or stored. Time is what time does. Time too appears as if it is in wave form for it is the waveform of time
that makes all things appearing cyclic in nature. Remove time and the cyclic
order shall vanish. Time as the fourth dimension is not visible like the other
three dimensions. Yet the inclusion of time as the fourth dimension makes the
amalgam of real and unreal aspects of objects called Maya. The objects are real but being subject to
change due to their time-energy level within and without, their unreal aspect
appears before the viewer but if time as the fourth dimension is taken into
consideration only real remains. And
therefore time's role as the fourth dimension becomes essential in order to see
the duel (real and unreal) aspects of the objects. Yet with time as the fourth
dimension the real appears unreal and unreal as real, if only three space
dimensions are taken into consideration. The time explains the reality in its
duel forms. For time as the fourth
dimension defines the reality of an object in relation to the position of
another object which will appear unreal unless its position is ascertined in
relation to a third object requiring in all nine dimension of space and time as
a common eleventh dimension to know only the real aspect of an object. Thus we
see that all objects have their potential time-energy level so as to confirm
their real existence. Each celestial object too has potential time-energy
because without time as its fourth dimension, it may loose its duel aspect, for
it can then explode and vanish and become dark hole.
Time even if is not considered as energy, it still tends to act as
energy. The human beings do experience this effect when time as a great healer
not only restores their lost energy but also generates spiritual energy new to
them so as to provide them special power.
The Indian seers have already pointed out that consciousness is
spiritual energy, from which all other energies are emitted. Consciousness as
an energy is the creater, protector and sustainers of all energies. To
understand this we go back to the formation of particle of consciousness. Here
the particle can change from zero to infinity or from infinity to zero due to
quantum jump from right or left. Let us call it a mind A and B. These minds
blinker due to quantum jump - one
changing from light to darkness and the other from darkness to light. Since the
minds A and B as imagined above are not separate entities but are two aspects
of unique consciouness, the particle of consciousness changes light into
darkness and darkness into light at the same time (i.e. having clockwise and
anti clockwise motion at the same time). This microquanta of consciousness
sends waves of consciousness and the entire universe becomes the dancing stage
for waves of consciousness along with the dancing forces of time and energy.
The point of consciousness thus
becomes the center point and cause for spiritual energy, time energy as well as
all other energies to perform clockwise and anti clockwise motion at the same
time at tremendous speed and putforth all of them as combined supermodel of
energy that created universe. We can apply the Newton’s law to energy that
performs action and state that an energy continues to remain dormant or at
unifiorm action unless and until it is acted upon by some external energy
force. At micro level the external impressed force also appears as internal
impressed force and the energies continue to be active finding their path of
mysterious effects.
mentioned earlier the electromagnetism, gravity, the strong force that binds
together the protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus and the weak force that
can cause subatomic particles to shoot out of the nulei of atoms during
radioactive decay, are the four basic forces of nature. These forces as said earlier
existed as one single all-powerful force (Mahashakti) at the time of formation
of universe. Scientists after partial successes and many failures have come to
believe that for this a theory exists which they called the theory of
superstrings. The superstring has been conceived by physicists as
infinitesimally small, one-dimensional bits of energy. According to them these
strings interact in two ways – either two strings coalpse into one , or one
strong splits into two and depending on how the strings are vibrating or rotating,
they can represent any kind of known particles of matter – from quarks to
electrons. But this theory required the conception of ten dimensions to work,
although we know only four dimensions --- three of space and one of time.
We have seen that in fact four
dimensions are not enough to ascertain the reality of an object. We have to
know it in relation to the realily aspect of one more(second) object. Three
dimensions of an object and three dimensions of the other object with time as
common seventh dimension help us to know realities relatively. But the second
object’s reality can only be ascertained only with the help of third known
object, then we require ten dimensions that can help us to know the relative
reality of the first object with time again as the common dimension, which will
be the tenth dimension. Thus only the relativity of three objects can define
the reality.
It can be stated that all energies in their different
forms are basically time-energy, for if time is removed; all energies become
inert converting them into mass.
Further, in order to maintain the cyclic order of
nature all the dimensions of three objects have to return to their origination
including the time.
The returning of time will result in collapsing
phenomenon. For the X-axis will fold itself from infinity to zero. So also the
Y-axis and Z-axis, which are at right angles, will fold themselves from
infinity to zero.
All other axis’s, which are following the path like
the electrons moving around the nucleus between X Y and Z, will also collapse,
as this would be necessary to maintain cyclic order.
an object breaking into two with each part moving in different axis may tend to
join again in order to complete the cycle.
This phenomenon occurs with time dimension appearing
as if folding itself. The objects moving will lose their time-energy quantum
and will come to their initial stationary position.
And when time-energy quantum of objects drops to zero,
the collapsing stage comes and the cycle gets completed.
Again if group of objects simultaneously lose their
time-energy quantum their collapsing process will absorb enormous energy.
For the collapsing force is far more powerful than the
gravitational force, the resultant phenomenon will wipe off the individual
identities of the objects.
Again it may be visualizes that with all the three
objects losing their time- energy simultaneously will not only collapse but
will also lose their identity and form and therefore their relative reality
will also become unreal.
to know the reality of this phenomenon also we have to have another set of
group objects that are undergoing this phenomenon. Only then the philosophy of
cyclic order will become clear.
three and more objects may form their own group interacting within their
dimensions under their own gravitational network having their own set of time
energy level.
relative reality of one group object
(domain) can be ascertained only with another group object (domain), which has
its own set of time energy level.
The universe thus consists of huge network of group
objects and super-group objects having
their own set of time- energy level and set of super time- energy level
It is because of this huge set of time-energy level
(super time-energy level), the completion of time cycle appears as never
Yet the cyclic order of nature maintains itself though
taking enormous time for such collapse to take place. And at
this stage the figure 3 will reappear with consciousness, time and superenergy
uniting into one.
cross-section of the superstring which resembles like the ‘veni’ form of hair
style of Indian women will be as shown below:-
2 2 3
3 3 2
In first position 2 is moved
as per arrow which pushes 1 and 3 giving them clockwise and anticlockwise cyclic
motion respectively. In second position 3 is moved giving 1 and 2 anticlockwise
and clockwise cyclic motion respectively. In third position 1 is moved giving 2
and 3 clockwise and anticlockwise cyclic motion respectively. Now if the time for
change of these positions is very quick so as to make time almost zero, 1
moving clockwise in first position will appear as moving anticlockwise in
second position almost at the same time. It can also be said that in first
position the particle 2 that is moved is itself moving clockwise and
anticlockwise at the same time. This is ‘cat state’ which according to the
physicists is a condition of being two diametrically opposed conditions at
once, like black and white, dead and alive, zero and infinity, light and
darkness and so on.
phenomenon is occuring in figure 3 at the point of consciousness which is also
the point of ‘kala’ and also the point of superenergy. In this ‘cat state’ all
the three i.e. consciousness, kala(time) and superenergy get bound together.
This weirdness existed at the time of creation. The Indian seers thought of
‘ardhanarishwar’ i.e. the unification of ‘Shiva’ (consciousness) and
‘Parvati’(superenergy) with ‘kala’(the time). In this state of unification of
the spiritual energy, time energy and superenergy the cause, effect and
caussation unify and this unification results in sponteneous creation, i.e. God
said there should be light and there was light. This therefore is the theory of
everything unify cause, effect and consciousness to see miracles of
creation. This explains why only one sperm furtilises an egg at a time –
why the soul, mind and body unify in human being to make them supreme creation
above all other living beings on this earth –why science, religion and art
unified to bring forth the concept of God – why meditation, thoughts and
actions in unision make science, religion and art meaningful. This also
explains why only one universe was created at a time – why there is only one
The Indian
philosophy therefore proposes the unification of our soul with
Parmatma(consciousness) and unification of all our thoughts and actions with
that of the supreme consciousness.
Further since the
spiritual energy, the time as well as all other energies cannot now be
destroyed, the creation will exist as long as the consciousness exists. So let
consciousness prevail forever and there will be life on earth for ever.